We need to ensure that we are taking the necessary steps to remedy past and current injustices that are disproportionately affecting the people of Cincinnati.
To achieve this I support:
Taking actions to address racial disparities and economic inequalities
Unequivocally and unapologetically affirming that Black Lives Matter
Building Black Wealth
Requiring implicit bias training in our police and city-funded agencies
Supporting the Collaborative Agreement refresh to reduce police brutality and profiling, which disproportionately affects Black persons
Educating our youth on how to be an Ally for people who are different than us
Decriminalizing marijuana
Supporting local minority-owned small businesses
Requiring employers to offer equal pay to women and people of color regardless of sexual orientation or gender identity
Eliminating cash bail
Maintaining a 100% score on the Human Rights Campaign’s Municipal Equality Index (MEI) and working to enhance of city’s services based on their recommendations
Eliminating “Elected Privilege” and rebuilding trust that elected officials are here for the people
Allowing City Council to suspend a city elected official who has been indicted for a crime
Prohibiting family members of elected officials from doing business with the city
Prohibiting Councilmembers from representing clients to negotiate with or lobby the city administration
Mandating that any elected official associated with the leadership of any PAC report this annually
Taking actions to address environmental inequalities
Strengthening partnerships with agencies that enforce pollution laws
Banning plastic bags
Striving for net-zero building in all city-backed developments
Supporting re-establishment of the Air Nuisance Rule
Creating an Environmental Justice Ordinance for the city
Collaborating with the county to complete the storm water separation, carrying on Todd Portune’s legacy
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