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Public Transit

Everyone needs to have the ability to travel around our city, regardless if someone can afford a car.  We need to have affordable and accessible public transit, that is safe to use.

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Support The Expansion of CROWN

We need to fund and staff the completion of the Cincinnati Riding or Walking Network and ensure its paths are accessible to all residents, regardless of which neighborhood they live in.

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Invest in Biking Lanes

Our city must create protected biking lanes that allow for pedestrians to travel safely around our city.

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Implement Vision Zero Goals

Implement the measures called for by Vision Zero to promote pedestrian/biker safety and reduce traffic accidents.

Brian In The News

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Bus Bench Stolen

After a bus stop bench, who Brian helped provide, was stolen from a bus stop, The Better Bus Coalition, whom Brian is a member, made news for their efforts in explaining the importance of safe and secure bus stops for Cincinnatians.

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Homeless Shuttle
Bus Rides

Brian made news once again for his efforts in the Maslow's Army to provide safe shuttle bus rides to homeless Cincinnatians on cold winter nights.

Phone:  513-221-VOTE
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